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来源:http://www.sanwangyoubanggen.com/ 日期:2020-04-22 发布人:admin

  在猪生产,饲料成本约占总成本的70% ~ 80%,是一个主要的支出养猪场,养猪场,在操作的过程中饲料原材料和生猪市场无法控制,提高饲料利用率,更发挥猪生产潜力,并尽可能减少饲料的饲料大化利益的损失,农场是一个很好的方法来提高盈利能力。让我们分析一下提要是如何被浪费的。

  In pig production, the feed cost accounts for about 70% - 80% of the total cost, which is a major expenditure pig farm. In the process of operation, the price of feed raw materials and pig market cannot be controlled, so as to improve the feed utilization ratio, give full play to the potential of pig production, and minimize the loss of feed maximization benefits. The farm is a good way to improve profitability. Let's analyze how feeds are wasted.
  Hidden feed waste
  1. 母猪繁殖效率低造成的饲料浪费
  1. Feed waste caused by low reproductive efficiency of sows
  For sows, the amount of feed they consume is often evaluated, but it does not include several key indicators that affect farm efficiency, such as the number of piglets weaned each year and the weight-loss status of weaned sows.
  随着养殖质量的不断提高,母猪产仔量越来越多,母猪的食物摄入量往往不足,许多猪场面临着断奶母猪过度失重的问题。但是很多人没有意识到,断奶母猪的失重也是猪场饲料浪费的一个重要因素。200公斤母猪的肉类兑换率约为5.0。如果哺乳期的母猪少吃1.5公斤饲料,就能减重1公斤。因此,大约需要3.33倍的饲料来弥补体重的损失。如果一个乳猪的10公斤,这意味着减少15公斤的饲料吃,和33.3公斤饲料需要弥补的10公斤,那么每个母猪每窝消耗18.3公斤饲料,计算每年2.3窝,然后每个播种每年消耗42.1公斤饲料,和500年的养猪场母猪每年消耗的饲料22 t更多。
  With the continuous improvement of the breeding quality, more and more sows are produced, and the food intake of sows is often insufficient. But many people don't realize that the weightlessness of weaning sows is also an important factor of feed waste in pig farms. The meat exchange rate of 200 kg sows is about 5.0. If lactating sows eat less than 1.5 kg of feed, they can lose 1 kg. Therefore, about 3.33 times of feed is needed to make up for the loss of body weight. If the weight loss of a suckling pig is 10kg, which means to reduce the feed consumption of 15kg and the feed consumption of 33.3kg which needs to be made up, then each sow consumes 18.3kg of feed per litter, 2.3kg of feed per year is calculated, and then 42.1kg of feed per sow per year, and more than 22T of feed per year is consumed by sows in the pig farm of 500 years.
  2. 没有选择正确的苗圃材料。
  2. The right nursery materials were not selected.
  Especially in the current breeding market, the price of pigs is not stable. Many farmers think that the feed price is low and the breeding cost is reduced. As we all know, with the low price, the nursery materials developed by the unprofessional feed company not only do not help you reduce the feed cost, but also reduce the breeding efficiency. Some products seem to be expensive, but the formula cost is low, and the pig skin is bright red and fat.
  3. Low growth efficiency caused by waste of pig feed
  品种遗传潜力的增长,猪采食量也增加,但许多养猪场由于实施不当,喂养、疾病、猪舍环境差,缺乏饮用水不足等各种原因导致喂猪,160 d可以这样的猪是提高180 d, 200 d,这是一个严重的浪费。例如,一头100公斤的良种猪,正常饲料为2.98公斤,饲养需要1.1公斤饲料。日增重0.9kg,料肉比3.31。每天少吃10%,增重减少15.9%,饲料肉比3.543提高0.233。另外,根据养猪需要1.1公斤饲料,20多天,一头猪需要消耗22公斤以上的饲料,每年消耗1万头猪220吨以上的饲料。
  With the increase of breed genetic potential, pig feed intake also increased. However, many pig farms feed pigs for various reasons such as improper implementation, poor feeding, disease, poor environment of pig houses, lack of drinking water and so on. Such pigs can increase 180 days and 200 days in 160 days, which is a serious waste. For example, for a 100 kg good breed pig, the normal feed is 2.98 kg, and 1.1 kg feed is needed for feeding. The daily gain was 0.9kg, and the feed to meat ratio was 3.31. 10% less per day, 15.9% less weight gain, and 0.233 more feed meat than 3.543. In addition, according to the needs of pig raising, 1.1kg of feed is needed. For more than 20 days, a pig needs to consume more than 22kg of feed and over 220t of feed for 10000 pigs every year.
  4. 饲料浪费造成的高死亡率,在教学阶段的坦克养护
  4. High mortality caused by feed waste, tank maintenance in teaching stage
  In many pig farms, due to poor feed quality, unreasonable environmental facilities, low immunity and high mortality rate of piglets before the age of 70 days. For example, the mortality rate of nursery pigs is 10% higher, the feed consumption of a piglet is 30 kg, and the loss of education guarantee feed of 10000 pig farms is up to 30 tons a year.

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